Stories Behind Their Designs

26-12-2018 by graphics art

• Amazon

You don’t have to look deeply into the symbolism behind the world-renowned logo of Amazon to notice the orange arrow. However, were you aware that is has two clever meanings? First, the arrow starts at the letter “A” and ends at the letter ”Z” to show that the company sells nearly every product you can name in the entire alphabet. This arrow also represents a smile with a little dimple on the side, to evoke the happiness of customers that shop their products.

• Walt Disney

The leading brand among children has always left a personal touch with its audience. What better way to represent such connection then portraying their logo as a representation of Mr. Disney’s very own signature? Although this “handwriting” is, in fact, nothing like the founder’s, it still embodies his vision in the magical way that Disney has always done a wonderful job of capturing.

• Nike

Here’s a popular logo that needs no introduction. This iconic symbol is recognized worldwide, even without the company’s name attached to it anymore. Commonly known as the ‘swoosh,’ this logo has a much deeper meaning (and it’s not a checkmark, as commonly guessed by many). Nike is actually a Greek goddess that personifies victory. When logo designer, Carolyn Davidson, created this design in 1971, she thought to represent the goddess’ wing as an indication of movement and speed. It’s worth adding: she was paid a mere $35.

• Burger King

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the second largest fast food chain in the world? Look no further than Burger King’s logo. This brand placed their name as the meat between two bun halves to ensure that they remain the king when it comes to their famously known product: Hamburgers. Encompassed in a blue circle, these lively colors are meant to attract people of all ages to their fast food chains.

• Chanel

There is a great conspiracy behind this timeless logo known to even those outside of the fashion world. Could the interlocking C’s represent Coco Chanel’s business (and life) partner, Arthur “Boy” Capel, the primary inspiration for her collection? Or how about the original logo of the Château de Crémat, a famous vineyard in Nice, France where the designer, Coco Chanel, spent some time? Or maybe the symbol on the stain-glass doorways of the Aubazine Chapel in France where she lived as an orphan during her childhood? It could just be the first letters of her name. No one is quite certain, yet it’s clear that this logo has stood the test of time since its unchanged creation in 1925.

• Coca-Cola

This brand has kept a similar version of its original logo design since nearly the beginning of the company’s existence. The font represented classic handwriting of the time in 1886 when the first version of this was created. Although slightly altered since, even with new design trends rising, Coca-Cola has stayed true to its classic style. In fact, this logo is so distinguished, that when translated across languages, consumers can still recognize it worldwide. And get this, it was actually designed by the founder’s bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson.

• Google

Google’s logo is quite simple for being one of the most well-known brands in the entire world. In reality, so well known its name has become a verb almost as common as actually saying the word “search.” The one thing that can be investigated here is the choice of colors used by logo designer, Ruth Kedar – it’s the primary color pallet plus a random green “L.” This is because Google wanted to express a message that the company doesn’t play by the rules, rather they prefer to break them and have fun.

• Instagram

Instagram has not been around for a very long, and therefore many of us can remember the brand’s logo from 2010. It was a camera which encompassed plain, tan and brown colors to cater to their audience of mainly photographers. However, in 2016 Instagram decided to have a facelift when they realized how much their audience had diversified over the years. Users weren’t just photographers anymore, they were Millennials, Generation Z, and powerful brands. The bright and vibrant colors of the new logo are meant to reflect the spirit of this evolving and vastly diverse audience. Not to mention ombre colors continue to be a hot topic among web design trends.

• Dove

It’s obvious that the shape of the symbol reflects the bird associated with Dove’s brand. A company that stands for peace, gentleness, and purity through their variety of classic toiletries. The color’s here are meant to signify this. The dark blue used in the word “Dove” symbolizes reliability and excellence, while the yellowish-gold color of the bird evokes joy and prosperity. These are all common visions to think about for a company that was a pioneer in using ‘real women’ in their ads.

• Gillette

This simple logo for a men’s grooming brand has more meaning behind it then you’d imagine. First, the boldness of the letters evokes a sense of threat, while the italicization of the word represents speed – two stereotypes that arguably customers who want to take on the “manly” character aspire to embody. More deeply embedded in this logo is a hidden representation of their well-known product, razors, shown through the diagonal cut in the “G” and the “i.”

• National Geographic

You might have always wondered: why is there a random bright yellow rectangle on this brand’s logo? Well, this American subscription channel started out as a just a magazine, and that rectangle is meant to represent the shape of it and build on the brands original identity. The yellow color that was chosen represents the sun, which shines everywhere around the world, like this channel’s global reach.

• Mercedes-Benz

Just as the brand is a product of two motor companies merging together in 1926, so is their logo. First, Mercedes’ founder, Gottlieb Daimler, chose a three-point star to represent the three things that he envisioned for the world of motorization; land, water, and air. The circle comes from Benz, which was originally a laurel wreath, then further simplified in 2009 to the logo we know now.

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